9 troublesome word pairs

Confusing word pairs are everywhere.

I’ve been writing about them for years, and I had thought I had the topic well covered.

Apparently I don’t. Here are nine more pairs to pay attention to:

1. Can vs. may

Use “can” when referring to the ability to do something.

Example: “I don’t think your brother can make you unconscious just by looking at you.”

Use “may” when asking for permission to do something or when referring to the possibility of something.

Example: “You may not throw knives at each other.”

Example: “Your excessive use of exclamation points may annoy readers.”


2. Continual vs. continuous

“Continual” means to recur at regular and frequent intervals.

Example: “Because she was new to the copy desk, Amy checked the style guide continually.”

“Continuous” means to go on without pause or interruption.

Example: “The continuous flow of alcohol made last night’s happy hour quite entertaining.”


3. “Compare to” vs. “compare with”

Use “compare to” for items that are similar.

Example: “Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?”

Use “compared with” for items that are very different.

Example: “When compared with Shakespeare’s sonnets, modern sonnets fall flat.”


4. Dosage vs. dose

“Dosage” is the amount of medicine to be taken by a patient during a period of time.

Example: “The dosage is three times per day for 10 days.”

“Dose” is the amount taken at one time.

Example: “This morning’s dose is 250 mg.”


5. e.g. vs. i.e.

The abbreviation “e.g.” means “for example” or “such as.”

Example: There are several online dictionaries available, e.g., Wordhippo, Wordnik, and Dictionary.com.

The abbreviation “i.e.” means “that is” or “in other words.”

Example: “Do a bit of research if you are uncertain which word to use, i.e., use a dictionary.”


6. Feel vs. believe

Use “feel” to express physical sensations.

Example: “I felt a chill as soon as I walked through the door.”

Use “believe” to express personal conviction or the acceptance of something as true.

Example: “I don’t believe we’ll ever agree about the singular they.”


7. Fever vs. temperature

Do not use these words interchangeably. A fever is the physical condition that occurs when a person’s body temperature is elevated.

Example: “He had a fever.”

Temperature refers to body temperature, which everyone has.

Example: “His temperature was normal.”


8. Includes

“Includes” indicates that a partial list will follow. Do not use “includes” if the list is complete.

Correct: “The alphabet includes the letters a, b and c.”

Correct: “The first 3 letters of the alphabet are a, b and c.”

Incorrect: “The first 3 letters of the alphabet include a, b and c.”

(This one is not part of a confusing word pair, just a word that’s often misused.)


9. Since vs. because

Using “since” when you mean “because” can make your writing unclear.

Unclear: “Since I began reading Patrick O’Brian, my writing has improved.”

More clear: “Because I began reading Patrick O’Brian, my writing has improved.”

More clear: “After reading Patrick O’Brian, my writing improved.”


What additional word pairs would you add to the list, PR Daily readers?


This post was first published on Ragan Communication’s PR Daily.

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