There’s a word for that?

The English language never ceases to amaze me.

Considering that there are an estimated 250,000 distinct English words—and that the average, college-educated American has a vocabulary of 60,000 words—there are tens of thousands of “undiscovered” words.

Let’s explore this untapped lexicon by looking at a few words that will make you say, “There’s a word for that?” (Definitions from and Oxford Dictionaries Online.)

Coronis—the curved line or flourish at the end of a book or chapter.

Deipnosophist—a person skilled at conversation during meals.

Dysania—the state of finding it hard to get out of bed in the morning.

Euonym—a name well suited for a person, place, or thing.

Glabella—the space between the eyebrows and the nose.

Hallux—the innermost or first digit on the hind foot of certain mammals; the big toe in humans.

Neanimorphic—appearing younger than one’s age.

Nudiustertian—of the day before yesterday.

Nosism—the use of “we” when referring to oneself; also known as the “royal we” or the “editorial we.”

Parapraxis—a slip of the tongue thought to reveal unconscious wishes or attitudes.

Pareidolia—the imagined perception of a pattern or meaning where it does not actually exist, such as seeing a face in the moon.

Petrichor—the smell of rain after a warm, dry period.

Phophene—a ring or spot of light produced by pressing on the eye when the lids are closed.

Singultus—the medical term for hiccups.

Tittle—a small amount or quantity; a small dot, stroke, or mark that is part of a letter, such as the dots over the letters i and j.

PR Daily readers, care to share any of your favorite “there’s a word for that?” words?


This article was first published on Ragan Communication’s PR Daily.



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