Talking Chairs

7 writing and language sites you should ...

As a medical writer, I often end up spending more time researching an article than I do writing it. In that research, I often discover new online sites and tools. In this week’s post, I share some lesser-known online resources that can help make your writing, editing and researching tasks easier. This site was developed by the Plain Language Action and Information Network, which is a group of federal employees who support the use of clear communication in government writing. The site includes humorous examples and resources on thinking about your...

5 reasons for PR pros to be thankful

A close friend recently was diagnosed with hypertension. This is surprising because he’s 39, fit, works out every day, eats healthy, doesn’t drink or smoke, and has no family history of hypertension. His physician concluded that the likely cause of his high blood pressure was stress at work. With PR being one of the most stressful jobs in America, a lot has been written about how to reduce stress on the job. One strategy that I find the most helpful is to practice gratitude. When I’m stressed at work, I take a break to think about what I am most grateful for in my...

How misplaced modifiers muck up your mes...

As a self-professed word nerd and grammar wonk, I am always looking for fun ways to teach my kids about grammar. Our latest grammar lesson occurred when my son and I were listening to the novelty song “Purple People Eater.” Me: So the song says, “I’m a one-eyed, one-horned flyin’ purple people eater.” Does that mean the monster is purple or that he eats purple people? Him: It means he’s purple and he eats purple people. The lesson here was about modifiers and why their location in a sentence is important. When used correctly, modifiers add interest and...

17 more made-up words

It can be fun to take a break from writing, editing, and corporate communicating to play with words. I love to read and write about words that others have invented. Put aside that press release and let’s have some fun with these made-up words:   1. Afterclap: the last person to clap at a performance or event. I know Alison is proud of her daughter, but does she have to be the afterclap every time? 2. Askhole: a person who asks too many pointless, intrusive or obnoxious questions. I’m never going out with that askhole again. 3. Beerboarding: extracting...

4 lessons corporate communicators can le...

I’ve never been overly fond of sports metaphors, but I recently discovered how much you can learn about communications by watching my son practice soccer. My son’s soccer coach is an ideal communicator. He’s firm and direct when he’s teaching the team new skills, but also supportive as they practice what they’ve learned. He encourages the boys to try new things and provides candid feedback about their efforts. Coach Marcus also does all this with an audience of highly competitive, yet easily distracted nine-year-old boys. Below is advice he gives from the...

5 ways to push past writer’s block

There’s an old New Yorker cartoon on a bulletin board above my desk. It shows a kid who’s just built a sand castle. An adult standing next to him says of the castle, “It’s brilliant.” But the thought bubble from the kid says, “Then why do I feel like such a hack?” This week, I feel like a hack. I’ve struggled to complete the simplest writing tasks. Who was it that said, “I hate writing, but I love having written”? Rather than stare blankly at my laptop and grow increasingly frustrated, I reviewed my previous posts on overcoming writer’s block and...