We’ve all seen it, and we’ve likely done it.
Beginning a press release with, “Today, Noddles Company is excited to announce the launch of its new Noddle 6.0 product,” or using a quote from the CEO that states, “We are excited about this new partnership with ABC Associates,” is becoming tired.
It doesn’t matter what’s being announced—“excited” is the go-to verb among communications professionals. For example, “Today we are excited to announce a new award for outstanding achievement in the field of press release writing excellence.”
Make it stop.
The English language is full of meaningful and precise descriptors, so let’s start using them in our press releases. Below are some alternatives to the word “excited.”
(Please keep in mind that not all of these options will work in every “we are excited to announce” scenario, but they can at least be used to add variety to our writing).
What do you think, PR Daily readers? What would you add to the list?
This post was first published on Ragan Communication’s PR Daily.