25 ways to spend your vacation time

It’s only March.

It’s still cold and dreary.

You need to file your taxes.

Your annual report content is due.

You still have to suffer through performance evaluations.

Yet, it’s never too early to start thinking about your next vacation. Not sure of your plans? Take a look at this list of vacation slang to determine what you want — and don’t want — to do on your next vacation. (Terms from Urban Dictionary and Urban Thesaurus.)

  1. Booze cruise — a short cruise taken to binge drink, both on the boat and in the ports-of- call.
  2. Bosscation — the sense of relief you feel when your boss is on vacation.
  3. Breakcation — taking a break from someone by going on vacation.
  4. Brocation — a trip taken by men that often involves bonding and trouble-making.
  5. Cocooning — taking a vacation in the comfort and solitude of your home.
  6. Cookcaction — to take a vacation from cooking.
  7. Destinationalist — someone who is so focused on the itinerary of a trip that they ignore anything outside the itinerary or that is not on the schedule.
  8. Fakecation — when you fake being on vacation so you can catch up on work.
  9. Fantastication — a fantasy vacation.
  10. Holiday hands — when you lose the ability to type due to a long vacation.
  11. Lamecation — a vacation where everything goes wrong.
  12. Nexflixation — a vacation spent binge-watching Netflix.
  13. Nycation — a vacation spent in New York City.
  14. Oblivacation — using valuable vacation time or PTO for obligatory visits to family or friends.
  15. Post-vacation penalty period (PVPP) — the period after a vacation in which you pay dearly (i.e. in work load, number of emails) for having taken a vacation.
  16. Relaxationing — to relax while on vacation.
  17. Restaurantour — a trip taken for the sole purpose of sampling local cuisine.
  18. Sleepcation — taking time off from work so you can catch up on sleep.
  19. Staycation — a vacation spent in your home town.
  20. Stresscation — a trip that ends up being more stressful than your everyday life.
  21. Summer WTHDID syndrome — when you reach the last week of summer vacation and you can’t remember where the time went. (WTHDID stands for “what the hell did I do?”.)
  22. Vabragoning — taking a trip to a desirable location and bragging about it non-stop on social media.
  23. Vacation head — when you can’t accomplish anything at work because you’re thinking about your upcoming vacation.
  24. Vacationship — a relationship in which the couple only sees each other on vacation, thereby avoiding the “real-life” issues of dating.
  25. Workcation — bringing work along on your vacation.

How many of these appeal to you? Please comment below.

This post was also published on Ragan Communication’s PR Daily.

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